5 Tips for Getting Ready for Diabetes Camp and Summertime Camping

Diabetes camp is a great way for a child with type 1 diabetes to learn new skills, gain independence, and meet other kids also living with diabetes. And you get a caregiving break!

Q is going to diabetes camp for the 7th time this summer. She looks forward to it each and every year and will probably continue going as a counselor or volunteer when she ages out. Are you thinking about diabetes camp, or are you signed up for the first time? Do you always forget to pack something? Do you want to take time to connect with your other children or take some time for yourself? Read these five articles about diabetes camp and summertime camping.

Diabetes Summer Camps:

One of the best ways for children to meet other d-kids is by going to diabetes camp. There are a variety of diabetes camps throughout the country, including family camps, day camps, and overnight camps. There are also a number of sports camps, like snowboarding and basketball, geared toward type 1 kids.

Diabetes Camp Packing Tips:

Here are a few diabetes camp packing tips that I have picked up over the years as well as a checklist of items you might not think to pack. Of course, you will receive a packing list (and a list of what not to pack!) and instructions from the particular camp your child will attend, but here are a few things to think about.

Meals at Diabetes Camp:

At diabetes camp, kids learn to meal plan and count carbs. At check-in one year, I just had to laugh at this exchange between Q, the dietician, and myself.

Caregiving Break:

And sending your kiddo off to diabetes camp isn’t just about the experience that they will have. It is also a chance to practice a little self-care and take a caregiving break. If you have other children, it can also be a great time to connect with them one-on-one without having to divide your attention.